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TOP 10 Deepest Places in the World

The ocean trenches are much deeper than mountains

The oceans and seas that surround the continents contain many wonders, many of which humans have yet to discover. There are valleys, plains, mountains, and trenches in the vast bodies of water that cover more than 70% of the planet’s surface and hold approximately 1.35 billion cubic kilometers of water.

The underwater formations are massive in comparison to those on land because the mountains in the ocean basin are higher than those on land, and the plains are flatter, the ocean trenches are much deeper.

1. Mariana Trench

In the western Pacific Ocean, the Marina Trench is the deepest part of the Earth’s surface. It is home to the Earth’s deepest point, known as the Challenger Deep. While many people have climbed Mount Everest, only two have descended the Challenger Deep.

In 1960, Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh descended to a depth of 10,916 meters.

The trench, which appears as a crescent-shaped scar in the Earth’s crust, is approximately 2,550 km long, 69 km wide on average, and has a maximum depth of 10.91 km at the Challenger Deep. At the same time, other efforts determined the deepest portion to be 11.034 km. The deep stretches for hundreds of kilometers southwest, towards the US island of Guam.

2. Tonga Trench

The Tonga Trench is located in the southwest Pacific Ocean, near the northern end of the Kermadec Tonga Subduction Zone. It is approximately 10.882 kilometers below sea level. The Horizon Deep, the deepest point in the Tonga trench, is the second deepest point on Earth after the Challenger Deep and the deepest trench in the Southern Hemisphere.

3. Philippine Trench

The Galathea Depth in the Philippine trench is 10.54 km below sea level, making it the world’s third deepest point. This submarine trench, also known as the Mindanao Trench, is located in the Philippine Sea and spans 1,320 kilometers in length and 30 kilometers in width in the east of the Philippines.

This trench, prominent among others in the Philippine Sea, was formed by a collision between the Eurasian plate and the smaller Philippine plate. The Manila Trench, East Luzon Trench, Negros Trench, Sulu Trench, and Cotabato Trench are among the other significant trenches in the Philippine Sea.

4. Kuril- Kamchatka Trench

This trench is another deep part of the Pacific Ocean that lies at a significant depth of 10.5 km below sea level. This trench, located near Kuril Island and off the coast of Kamchatka, is responsible for many oceanic bed volcanic activities in the region.

The trench was formed as a result of the late Cretaceous subduction zone that created the Kuril and Kamchatka volcanic arcs.

5. Kermadec Trench

Another submarine trench can be found on the South Pacific Ocean floor. The Kermadec Trench is about 1,000 kilometers long, stretching between the Louisville Seamount Chain and the Hikurangi Plateau.

The Kermadec Trench, formed by the subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the Indo-Australian Plate, has a maximum depth of 10.04 km.

6. Izu-Ogasawara Trench

The Izu-Ogasawara Trench is located in the western Pacific Ocean and has a maximum depth of 9.78km. This deep trench, also known as the Izu-Bonin Trench, extends from Japan to the northern section of the Mariana Trench and is an extension of the Japan Trench. Aside from the Izu-Ogasawara Trench, the western Pacific Ocean is home to the Izu and Bonin Trench.

7. Japan Trench

The Japan trench (shown above), another deep submarine trench east of the Japanese islands, is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire in the northern Pacific Ocean. The Japan trench stretches from the Kuril Islands to the Bonin Islands and has a maximum depth of 9 km. It is also the northern and southern extension of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench and the Izu-Ogasawara Trench, respectively.
The trench was formed when the oceanic Pacific plate subducted beneath the continental Okhotsk Plate. And the tsunamis and earthquakes cause the subduction zone to move with the Japan Trench.

8. Puerto Rico Trench

The Puerto Rico trench, located between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, is the deepest point in this region and the eighth deepest point on the planet’s surface.

It is located at a depth of 8.64 km, is visible at Milwaukee Deep, and spans over 800 kilometers; this trench has been responsible for many tragic tsunamis and earthquake activities in this region.

9. South Sandwich Trench

South Sandwich Trench, the deepest trench in the Atlantic Ocean after the Puerto Rico Trench, is described as Meteor Deep and runs for over 956 kilometers, making it one of the most visible trenches in the world.
This trench, located in the southern Atlantic Ocean 100 kilometers east of the South Sandwich Islands, was formed by the subduction of the South American Plate’s southernmost portion beneath the small South Sandwich Plate. An active volcanic arc is also associated with the South Sandwich Trench.

10. Peru–Chile Trench

The Peru-Chile Trench (Atacama Trench) is located in the eastern Pacific Ocean about 160 kilometers off the coasts of Peru and Chile. The maximum depth of the Atacama Trench is 8.06 km below sea level. The trench’s deepest point is known as Richards Deep.
The trench is approximately 5,900 kilometers long and 64 kilometers wide on average, covering an area of approximately 590,000 square kilometers. The Atacama Trench was formed by the convergence of the subducting Nazca and South American Plates.

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