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TOP 10 best cities in the world for cyclists

even 9 of them are in Europe

As governments around the world work to reduce carbon emissions, more and more cities are encouraging people to ditch cars and make it easier for them to travel by bike, Euronews writes. But which cities are the friendliest for cyclists? According to this year’s Global Bicycle Cities Index, the majority of them are in Europe.

Global Bicycle Cities Index “Luko” looked at 90 cities around the world and rated them according to 6 main parameters: percentage of bicycle users, weather conditions, crime and safety (e.g. accidents and bike theft), infrastructure, bike-sharing opportunities, and special events, e.g. ., days without a car. The final results are presented on a scale from 0 to 100 points. The higher the score, the more bike-friendly the city. European cities lead the list. They are rated for quality bike paths and weather conditions that allow cycling on many days.

Here are the 10 best cities in the world for cyclists:

10. Hanover, Germany

This German city has great parks, so what better way to explore them than by bike? Hanover topped this year’s ranking thanks to its quality infrastructure and cycling-friendly events, including car-free days.

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