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Top 10 JavaScript Skills You Need to Know!

Here is a perfect listing of the top skills you need to become a JavaScript developer

Top 10 JavaScript Skills

JavaScript development is a thriving career path. There are approximately 12.1 million JavaScript developers in the market today.

These are the skills you’ll need to handle to become a JavaScript developer. Including core JavaScript knowledge, asynchronous programming, and more.

Top 10 JavaScript Developer Skills

#1. Core JavaScript Expert

The most important aspect of learning JavaScript development is learning the language itself. Though you don’t have to be a master to use it, you should have a basic understanding of the paradigm and control flow.

It’s similar to school mathematics in that you must enter the correct formula to obtain the correct solution. Similarly, many of the codes that everyone corrects are sloppy, but the language is simple and easy to write when done correctly.

Many people may find JavaScript difficult to learn. It has its share of quirks and pitfalls, but once you get into it, it becomes a habit, and you find it easier and more interesting.

#2. Asynchronous Programming

Asynchronous programming is an important aspect of JavaScript learning. It allows the main thread of the program’s execution to continue while waiting for another method to complete. Learn about Prototypes, Hosting, Scope, Coercion, Promises, Callback, Closures, and Higher-Order Functions in JavaScript.

#3: Create Cross-Browser Code

The next thing you should learn is how to write cross-browser code. It means that the website or application you create should be compatible with a variety of browsers. This compatibility is provided by JavaScript in its applications and websites.

So, for developing websites and applications, learn how to write good cross-browser code.

#4. Framework and Libraries for Clients

Many developers are confused in the market when it comes to selecting the best JavaScript frameworks. However, based on the job’s perspective and learning curve, we recommend either Angular JS or React JS. Client-side frameworks and libraries are in high demand in the market, and many businesses use them for APP development.

Both frameworks are well-known in the market, and a detailed comparison of these languages can help you choose the best one. However, unless you have a specific requirement, you can trust both.

#5 – ReactJS

React JS is a popular JavaScript library that enables you to do incredible things quickly and efficiently. It was created by Facebook and is used by major corporations such as Reddit, Tesla, and PayPal.

This library is in high demand on the market right now. It has a Virtual DOM, which allows for quick modification, and it is one of the critical JavaScript development skills for 20223

#6 Node JS

Learning Node JS is the next critical skill for a JavaScript developer. It is a run-time tool for doing back-end framework. Many businesses now use Node JS for their backend, making it a valuable skill for a JavaScript developer.

#7. Redux

Redux is a popular React state management framework. However, it is difficult to learn and understand. However, learning Context API will make things easier. After you’ve mastered this, you can move on to Redux. Redux is required for the React application’s e-commerce functionality. As a result, learning Redux is essential for JavaScript developers.

#8 is TypeScript

Previously, JavaScript had many issues such as browser compatibility, safety, scaling difficulty, and so on. TypeScript, on the other hand, has made many things more accessible; it transpiles to clean ES5 code, which solves many compatibility issues. It also lets you write JavaScript in a more traditional object-oriented style, similar to C#/Java.

Learning TypeScript improves your understanding of concepts such as inheritance, interfaces, access control (public, private, and so on), and abstraction. Another important aspect of TypeScript is that it can be used in conjunction with a lint file to enforce specific coding standards.

#9. jQuery

jQuery is the next JavaScript library you should learn. It’s specifically designed to make HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation easier, including CSS, animation, and Ajax. There is also free and open-source software available. jQuery is now used by more than 73% of the world’s 10 million websites.

#10. Git

Git, a version control system for tracking coding changes, is the final skill on this list. If you make a mistake, it will revert you to the previous version of your code. As a result, learn Git for JavaScript development as well.

All of these are the fundamental skills that every JavaScript developer should have. Learn everything or consult an expert for a better understanding and direction. But don’t neglect any particular skill set. As you can see, each skill serves a purpose.

If you want to be the best JavaScript developer in the industry, remember “build your skills, not your resume”.

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