10. Fyodor I of Russia
Also known as Fyodor the Bellringer, when his daughter died at two years old he took to wandering across Russia ringing every church bell he came across.
9. Queen Maria I of Portugal
After the deaths of her husband, son, and daughter, Maria apparently lost it. She was known for screaming nonstop late into the night and having a fondness for wearing children’s clothes.
8. Otto of Bavaria
Brought in to replace his brother Ludwig II, he was found to be even worse, stammering and breaking things wherever he went. Recent theories have arisen claiming that the insane behavior was made up in order to make them easy to overthrow.
7. Christian VII of Denmark
Although he was officially king, it was his advisers who basically ran the country. Christian was mentally ill, paranoid, engaged in self-mutilation, and extremely promiscuous.
6. Carlos II of Spain

5. Afonso VI of Portugal

Due to a disease when he was younger he was left partially paralyzed on his left side. He then grew up to be known as the crazy “glutton” king of Portugal and like many other kings on this list he ended up confined. In fact, it was even said that there was a groove on the floor from where he paced so much.
4. Charles IX of France
Due to a disfiguration, he was dubbed the Snotty King and was given fits of rage and sadism even though he was a mama’s boy.
3. Henry VI of England

He was so bipolar that his wife had to take over the kingdom. He would enter prolonged periods of mental breakdown and become completely unaware of everything around him.
2. King George III of England
One of the most well-known crazy rulers in history probably due to the movies that have been made about him. Like Charles IX he also ended up behind bars and his only legacy besides being mad was that he lost the American Colonies.
1. Emperor Caligula

Hands down probably the most insane ruler of any nation in history, it is said that he was once had an entire family executed. The husband and wife went first and he then proceeded down the line of children until he reached the youngest, a 12-year-old girl. She was crying hysterically by this point and the disgusted crowd begged for mercy as she was a virgin. Smiling, he had the executioner rape her and then kill her as well.
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