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TOP 15 Leaders Responsible For The Genocides

Leaders (dictators) responsible for terrible genocides

Putin Killer

15. Josip Broz Tito

Tito was responsible for countless ethnic cleansing, including mass killings of the German population after World War II, despite receiving numerous honors from other nations.


14. Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein, the fifth president of Iraq, was a prominent figure in the revolutionary Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party and the Ba’ath Party of Baghdad. He was also well-known across the world for the brutality of his rule.


13. Jean Kambanda

This Rwandan tyrant, who first entered a guilty plea to several counts of genocide, then accused the army of “pushing him to do it.”


12. Leonid Brezhnev

This Soviet leader was in charge of the extermination of around 100,000 Moldovans. He also participated in purges against Volga Germans, Greeks, Cossacks, Armenians, and Poles.


11. Yakubu Gowon

Due to his military blockades, this Nigerian warlord was able to starve tens of thousands of his own people.


10. Michel Macombero

A member of the Tutsi ethnic group, Michel Micombero, carried out an ethnic cleansing program that resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of Hutus long before the terrible Rwandan Genocide of the 1990s. Mass executions would be carried out once more 40 years later, this time by the Hutu majority.


9. Kim Il-Sung

Kim succeeded in establishing one of the most oppressive and genocidal governments in history, setting the standard for his successors.


8. Pol Pot

Pol Pot, a long-time leader of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, ruled his nation under a communist dictatorship and enacted a radical brand of agricultural socialism. Over 25% of Cambodia’s population died during his reign as a result of hunger, execution, forced labor, and subpar healthcare.


7. Ismail Enver

Numerous Armenians, Germans, Greeks, and Assyrians perished at the hands of this Ottoman military leader who oversaw the Young Turk Revolution in 1908, and he was also regarded as the main planner of several other terrible genocides.


6. Adolf Hitler

Hitler is almost synonymous with the term “genocide,” and he was in charge of one of the most organized and grotesquely successful genocides in history.


5. Jozef Stalin

The total number of deaths from all of his detention camps, purges, and mass executions reached tens of millions.


4. Leopold II of Belgium

This Belgian King founded the Congo Free State for his own personal gain, disobeying the guidelines imposed by colonial powers of Europe. It remains one of the cruelest and most imperialist regimes in human history today. Over 15 million Congolese were exploited and killed as a result of it.


3. Augusto Pinochet

Major Western political leaders refused to call him a homicidal madman despite his terrible sociopathic inclinations. They praised his reforms instead. Today, however, we can clearly see how mistaken the political elites of the West were and how ruthless his reign of terror was.


2. Mao Ze Dong

Mao Ze Dong, commonly known as Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary and the man credited with starting the People’s Republic of China. His rule in China and Tibet resulted in the deaths of 40–70 million people as a result of executions, forced labor, and hunger, according to historians.


X1. vladimir putin

Vladimir Putin is still killing. He is already responsible for many deaths, rapes, and tortures and he still killing and ordering to kill. New days monster is still alive.

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