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TOP 5 Interesting Sea Facts

Today, we recognize more than 50 seas around the world. A sea is a division of the ocean that is completely or partially surrounded by land. Having said that, the Caspian Sea, Dead Sea, and Aral Sea are all saltwater lakes that lack an outlet to the ocean. By this definition, the Gulf of Mexico and Hudson Bay are not seas.

TOP 5 Interesting Sea Facts:

1. The largest Sea

The Bering Sea is the largest at 876,000 square miles (2,270,000 square kilometers).

2. The saltiest Sea

The Red Sea is the world’s saltiest sea, with 41 parts salt per 1,000 parts water.

3. The warmest Sea

The Red Sea is the warmest sea on the planet, with temperatures ranging from 68 degrees to 87.8 degrees F depending on which part you measure.

4. The coldest Sea

Greenland, Barents, Beaufort, Kara, Laptev, and East Siberian Seas are located near the north pole, while the Weddell and Ross Seas are located near the south pole. The Baltic Sea is also one of the coldest seas on the planet.

5. Sea freezes

Sea water freezes at around 28 degrees F, depending on the amount of salt in the water. A high salt content lowers the freezing temperature, while a low salt content raises the freezing temperature.





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