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What alcoholic beverages cause the strongest hangover?

Alcoholic drinks that cause a strong hangover

Few people do without a glass or two during the holidays, but experts recommend choosing alcohol very carefully and responsibly so that fun does not turn into a big headache. 

The main criterion for choosing a drink is its quality. Experts say that you should not save on buying drinks from unknown manufacturers, it is better to spend a little more and protect your health. However, it turns out that the color of the glass is also of great importance.

Specialists claim: the brighter the color of the alcoholic drink, the harder the body tolerates it and the stronger the hangover.
Alcohol poisons the body, but in small quantities, the body is ready to cope with such a “blow”, much worse if the drink also contains various impurities, thanks to which it acquires color and taste. All of them, especially those that give bright and unusual colors, are toxins.

Experts advise not to abuse any drinks but consider

  1. Whiskey is the most harmful

  2. Brandy,

  3. Dark rum,

  4. Bourbon,

  5. Red wine. 

It is also worth noting that we are talking only about “pure” drinks. Doctors are even more pessimistic about cocktails. This is especially true for drinks that contain several types of alcohol at the same time – this is guaranteed to cause a strong hangover, “strain” the liver and have a bad effect on the work of the kidneys.

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