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What exactly is JavaScript and jQuery?

JavaScript is the web language / jQuery is as an efficient and fast JavaScript Library;

What exactly is JavaScript?

JavaScript is the web language used to bring the web to life by adding motion to it. It’s a scripting language that allows you to implement complex and beautiful things/designs on web pages. You can bet that a web page is using JavaScript if it does more than just sit there and stare at you.

JavaScript features:

  • It makes web pages more interactive by incorporating animation and graphics;
  • JavaScript is an Interpreted language, which means it does not require a compiler to run;
  • JavaScript is primarily used for client-side scripting;

What exactly is jQuery?

jQuery is an efficient and fast JavaScript Library. jQuery’s motto is “write less, do more,” which is very appropriate given that its functionality revolves around simplifying each and every line of code. The following is a list of jQuery’s key features:

List of the features that make jQuery so powerful:

  • To begin, jQuery makes it extremely simple to manipulate the DOM. Web developers manipulate the DOM to create a web app more interactive, and jQuery makes this very simple;
  • Its user base is more diverse than that of any other JavaScript library. It provides comprehensive documentation, which is all a developer requires;
  • jQuery has thousands of free plugins that improve the user experience. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) is one such example, which creates a responsive and feature-rich website;
  • jQuery provides cross-browser support, allowing you to run your code across multiple browsers without worrying about dependency issues;
  • JavaScript is simplified: It simplifies DOM manipulation and event handling for faster web development.
  • Event handling: jQuery provides an efficient way to capture a wide range of events, such as a user clicking on a link, without clogging the HTML code.
  • Lightweight: jQuery is a small, lightweight library that is only about 19KB in size.
  • Animations: It includes many built-in animation effects that you can use to make your web app more interactive.

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